

So today was the 100th Day of school for Jaz. To celebrate, each student was asked to wear a shirt with 100 items on it.

I was only up til 1:00 AM making this shirt. SMH. Oh...and I knew about a week ago. SMH x 5.

Joyous Results: She absolutely adored her shirt. All 22 alphabet buttons stayed glued all day. Only one of the 78 ribbons fell off. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Jaz got all happy faces at school this week! 
This hadn't happened since early December. 
Thankfully, she's over (for now) 
whatever little phase she was going through!
 Her reward? Panera Bread. Yessssss.

Oh...and she pops in and out of my room 
more often now - now that I have a tv.
 When she realized I was watching "Fringe" 
(LOVE that show! I'm a SciFi nerd.)...
she popped right back into her room! LOL

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